Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Children and Youth Affairs

HIQA Inspection Report on Oberstown Detention Centre: Discussion

9:30 am

Photo of Katherine ZapponeKatherine Zappone (Dublin South West, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I met the staff separately when I was there prior to the work and changes which have gone on. The Senator's suggestion is good and I will do it again. When I did it before, there was a respect for my request from the director and management.

There is a provision on-site for a multidisciplinary approach in supporting children's mental health needs. There is better availability for psychiatric services and supports for young people. It can become integrated with other professional services which are part of the assessment consultation therapy service, ACTS, which is on offer to these young people. Before we attended the committee, my team and I were discussing the different activities in which these children are engaged. We learned they are actually raising money for charities. I was impressed with that because this is behaviour we would associate with being normal. This impacts on their own sense of who they are and their identity. Other young people do this and they want to do it too.


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