Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis
Nexus Phase
Pearse Doherty (Donegal South West, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source
Okay. Mr. Neary, you appeared on "Prime Time" on 2 October 2008 to discuss the domestic Irish banking system and the Irish bank guarantee. You said, and I'll quote it back to you, "The important thing is that risks emerge over the lifetime of the loan portfolio, and it's important that there is adequate capital put in there to absorb those risks, and by any estimate the Irish banks are so well capitalised compared to any banks, anywhere, across Europe, that I am confident that they can deal with any loans or any impairments that emerge in the ordinary course of business in the foreseeable future."
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