Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis
Nexus Phase
Ciarán Lynch (Cork South Central, Labour) | Oireachtas source
Thank you very much, Mr. Neary. I'm now proposing that we will suspend for lunch. However, I'd just like to remind the committee that we have a small private session to deal with as ... before we go to lunch, to deal with some matters to deal with hearings that are coming up in the coming weeks. So, with that said, I propose that we suspend the public session now and, in doing so, remind the witness that, once he begins giving evidence, he should not confer with any person other than his legal team in relation to the evidence and matters that are being discussed before the committee. With that in mind, I now will ... propose to put the meeting into private session as soon the public Gallery has been cleared and that we would resume again at 3 p.m. and remind the witness that, during that time, that he's still under oath until we resume. Okay, is that agreed? 3 p.m.
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