Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality

Insolvency Services: Insolvency Service of Ireland

2:00 pm

Mr. Lorcan O'Connor:

I agree with much of the Deputy's analysis. I might ask my colleague, Ms Mary Murphy, to give a bit more detail about what we are hoping to do with the Courts Service over the coming weeks. The Deputy rightly points out that the information the financial institution makes available to debtors is very important. At the moment, the documentation that might issue from a particular bank where a person is facing the threat of repossession is very legalistic and can run to dozens of pages of small print. Therefore, the reference to the help that the ISI can offer is lost in a host of things being referenced in the letter.

We have had dealings with the Central Bank and Banking and Payments Federation Ireland, BPFI, to see what can be done to make that message clearer and whether it should be in a flyer rather than a paragraph in a long letter. I wish to acknowledge that we have had a positive response from both sides and are working with them to see what can be done on this front in weeks rather than months.

We have faced a challenge to ensure that those who need to know about us know about us as opposed to necessarily getting commentary in current affairs programmes or in the broadsheet media and so on. The fact that there has been movement on the perception of the bank veto will help us make that message clearer to people because we will not necessarily have to defend what is often the first response or criticism to anything we might try to do. Through this initiative, we are expecting to see a significant increase in our advertising budget and we will do our best to ensure that this is targeted at the right people and that we get value for money.

However, we also recognised that one of the key places to have our information available is at the repossession case hearings. We had already set up a pilot initiative with the Courts Service and the county registrars earlier this spring but this has grown in momentum as a result of the Government initiative. I will ask Ms Murphy to comment.


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