Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Public Accounts Committee

Investigations by Revenue into Authorised Officers Report

11:10 am

Photo of Shane RossShane Ross (Dublin South, Independent) | Oireachtas source

Can I just finish now? May I say this to finish up? What Ms Feehily has said is very useful because it sadly contradicts a lot of what we have heard from the whistleblower. One can see how it can look from his point of view. Let me sum up by saying this. He sees a situation where his inquiries were closed down. He sees a situation where the Revenue was unresponsive, more than unresponsive in one case, and negligent in pursuing what he drew to their attention. He sees a situation where politicians obstructed what he was trying to do. He sees a situation where what caused the huge report which he wrote, which is about politicians covering up what is going on, was also ignored and not properly investigated by the Revenue. He sees a situation where the addendum report was pretty well ignored until he got a response. Then he sees a situation - we all see a situation - which is still staggering to the public where approximately 145 people are not prosecuted for what appeared to be very serious tax evasions when other people are prosecuted for very small amounts. They ask the question as to how this happens. What I have put to Ms Feehily, admittedly she is absolutely right, she has not seen it - I cannot do that because I cannot even show it to her - she has, in effect, rejected what he says which means there is a good case for inviting him to appear before the committee to substantiate those allegations which he has made.


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