Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform: Select Sub-Committee on Public Expenditure and Reform

National Lottery Bill 2012: Committee Stage

5:05 pm

Photo of Seán FlemingSeán Fleming (Laois-Offaly, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

There are online casinos on Sky TV in my living-room every night. If a younger person got hold of the parental control pin number, they could be gambling away to their heart's content. That is why I am including the television issue separately in my amendment which deals with television channels.

The door is bolted on the Internet issue. That is happening and people are doing it as we speak. Television channels allow people to play the lottery while sitting at home in their living rooms. That is the same point as Deputy Heather Humphreys has been making. The people to whom she refers might have a television but not an Internet connection as they live in isolated areas. Great broadband does not exist everywhere just yet. What can the Minister tell us about the control of gambling on television? Will he include terms in the licence to deal with playing the lottery by way of the television? Does the Minister understand what I mean in respect of television?


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