Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement

Report on North-South Public Service Provision: Discussion

1:20 pm

Photo of Joe McHughJoe McHugh (Donegal North East, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank Mr. D'Arcy. This is a scoping study containing ten areas which have been identified. I will list the areas for the benefit of members. They are, work and jobs from economic growth; the single energy market; off-island tourism research projects; cross-Border health service provision plan; the case for a cross-Border economic development zone - this will be of interest to Border Deputies; higher education initiatives between third level institutions; North-South co-ordination on treated water; memorandum of understanding on all 21st century infrastructure upgrades; Ireland's EU Presidency - a vehicle for the North-South collaboration will be the North-South Ministerial Council; and a practical system-wide support for public sector managers.


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